College Rules and Conduct

Rules of Conduct and Discipline:

  1. All the students are responsible to the College Principal for their general conduct, both inside and outside the College.
  2. Any student, who is late to come to the College and not permitted to attend the lectures by the lecturer, should go to the library or Reading room and is not to loiter about in the corridors and disturb the class and the office. Anyone found loitering is liable to be punished.
  3. Insubordination to any teacher, staff member and other College authorities and indecent language or conduct in the campus are sufficient reasons for the dismissal of a student.
  4. At least 75% class attendance in lectures & practicals and satisfactory performance at the college examination is a condition for permitting the students to appear for the University examination as per university circular No. GUN/Attendance/138/2004/2213 dt 18/8/2004.
  5. Every student is expected to deal with the College property with due care and to help in keeping the premises neat and tidy, taking College as a continuation of his/her home. Any damaged caused to the College property is a breach of discipline and will be dealt with severely.
  6. No visitors/outsiders are allowed to be in the College to meet the students, unless permitted by the college authorities.
  7. All extra and co-curricular activities conducted in the name of the college, either within the College premises or outside, will require prior permission from the Principal.
  8. No Society, Association or Union shall be formed in the College and no person invited to address any meeting without Principals prior permission.
  9. No student is allowed to smoke, take liquor, drugs or intoxicants within the campus. Even outside the campus he/she is expected to have a good moral and social behavior so as to keep up the name of the college.
  10. Every student should carry an Identity Card which should be produced when asked for by the Principal, any teacher of the college or by any administrative staff member. Duplicate Identity Card/Library card will be issued on payment.
  11. No student shall collect any money within the college campus or outside using the College name in any form as contribution for picnics, trips, educational visits, get-together, charity or any other activity, without the prior permission of the Principal.
  12. The following items also form a part of College discipline-
  13. i)  Attendance of N.S.S. work and practice of games and other programmes after selection.  
  14. ii) Participation in games and other college programs after being selected for any game/programme.
  15. The College may hold in reserve the final examination results of those students who fail to clear their dues(breakages, damage, loss, etc.) by the end of the academic year.
  16. Use of mobile phones, cameras and music players is strictly prohibited in college premises.
  17. The college administration shall confiscate these equipment's if used in college premises and strict disciplinary action shall be taken against such students.
  18. A teacher shall not conduct individually or participate in conducting jointly with others coaching classes directly or indirectly, he/she shall not give any private tuition as per Goa University Statutes No.SC-5(XX)e.
  19. "Ragging" is banned in college and anyone found indulged in ragging is likely to be punished.
  20. The punishment may include expulsion from college.
  21. Sexual Harassment in any form shall be dealt with very seriously according to law.
  22. Every student must bring the Academic Year Calendar daily to the college and maintain a record of their activities and movements in the calendar on a regular basis.
  23. Use of Unfair means during examinations is strictly prohibited. A student, if found guilty, shall be liable for punishment as per the rules prescribed by the Goa University.
  24. The Principals decision in all the matters of the College shall be final and binding on all the students.