Institutional Distinctiveness

Our college imparts students centric value based and technology enabled education in rural areas where student in rural areas are first generation learners and come from economically weak background. It focuses on rendering opportunities of highest learning by offering  B.Com, M.Com (self-financing) affiliated to Goa university and PhD in Commerce. Under choice based credit system wide choice of subjects are given to cater to the diverse needs of students and industry. There are six  PhD students who are doing research at Zantye  college Research centre. They are the teachers from various colleges in Goa.


Our college has been conducting career oriented foundation course CMA and CA for several years. The college has been accredited as a coaching centre. by institute  of Chartered   Accountants   of India , New Delhi, to conduct coaching classes for ICAI (CPT)  foundation Course , College also conducts cost and management Accountant of India (CMA) Foundation course  in collaboration with the institute  of cost and management Accountants of India, Vasco da Gama.


College conducts short term certificate  courses such as tally ERP(9), e-filing of I-Tax, Returns,  Blogging etc. for benefit of students. Skill based course committee conducts Self Defence Training Programme to empower girls students in college .Personality development is encouraged by holding workshop on Yoga dance etc. Inter-collegiate competitions, sports events and cultural activities are organised to bring forth the hidden talent of the students.


The college provides many scholarships  and freeships in order  to bring the under privileged and vulnerable students into main stream education. College also provides a technology friendly learning with wi-fi connectivity on campus, well equipped Computer Laboratory etc. A user   friendly library stocked with physical and e-resources  make teaching learning an interesting  experience Blood donation, N.S.S special camp ,social outreach programmes held by Rotaract club of Zantye College , and NSS unit helps to improve the value of social belongingness and responsibility.


  The efforts of the college to achieve academic,  Intellectual, cultural, social and emotional well being of students  is strongly supported    by team of   dedicated and well qualified teaching and non teaching staff .Similarly the activities are financially supported by vibrant  and forward looking  management