Narayan Zantye College of Commerce Library is one of the best College Libraries in Goa. It provides various facilities to the students and staff with conducive environment for learning. This is the soul of any Educational Institution. Our Library is situated in a very peaceful ambiance having seating capacity of hundred persons. The well lit and ventilated library has a collection of around 20600+ Books in the text and reading categories besides nearly 28 Journals, 18 Magazines and 13 National and Daily Newspapers. Our Library has Book Bank facility which offers free books to needy students. We have dedicated and helpful staff in the library who continuously encourage and motivate the students for using the library. The students of F. Y. B. Com. & S. Y. B. Com. are offered two cards for text related books . The students T. Y. B. Com are offered three cards for text related books while M. Com. Students are offered five cards for text related books. The Students who scores 60% and above in their previous examinations gets one additional "Scholar Card". Library also provides the facility such as Internet connectivity via WI-FI with own Laptops & E-Library facility with 15 terminals to access online journals and E-books from INFLIBNET and other e-Resources. The library is open all the days except Sundays and Holidays. It operates from 8.30 am to 4.30 pm from Monday to Saturday. Library gives open access to students and staff.